
What are some websites on how i can repair or fix my credit score?

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What are some websites on how i can repair or fix my credit score?




  1. i do not know how much your score can be rasied but this will defeinitely help you out. i went to , a totally free service that helps you raise your credit and create a plan to keep it up. its pretty helpful.


  3. To raise your credit score you need to do two things:

    1 - add positive things to your credit records.  Such as paying your bills on time!

    2 - Remove negative things from your records.  These may be mistakes made by the credit report companies or bills you haven’t paid!

    If your problems aren’t too bad or too complicated than you can do this yourself.  This review site gives you e-books to explain the process and guide you through it:

    if your problem is complex - or you just don’t have the time or patience to do it yourself then you will want to use a credit repair company.  This review site will guide you to the three best companies to use:

    Good Luck!

  4. You know you can actually repair your credit yourself and save a lot of money in the process. Go to for tips and information on how to do it.

    Good Luck

  5. Go here:  They have all of the answers you need.

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