
What are some websites or books that have good self esteem advice for teens?

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i dont need advice unless you really want to give me some. just give me a link or name of a book or an author or something.






    I hope some of these sites will help you :o)

  2. There are lots of websites out there to help you to build your self-esteem. Self-esteem is a tricky phenomenon though. Psychologists are still arguing about what it is, how to describe it and the most important how to develop it.

    Before I would recommend couple sites  i'd like to say couple things might help you to get a better understanding about self-esteem.

    Self-esteem is your OPINION about yourself.

    The more you respect yourself the more you respect others therefore the more friends you make who can help you in any situation in life.

    If you would like to know more about self-esteem you might want to check out self confidence as well. They are related.

    I would like to address couple simple things that can help you to build your self-esteem;

    1. Your posture. Lift up your chin, pull back your shoulder you already feel better.

    2. Physical exercise. Get the blood going. Exercise releases hormones which would be beneficial for you.

    3. Always pay attention on your strengths. Do what you are good at.

    4. Do not rely on other's opinion too much. They are jealous, envy or just don't want you to succeed.

    5. Keep smiling. It's a great power.

    6. Accept yourself. You are who you are. Just another "prefect" human being. We are all in the transition of being better and better all the time. Improving your skills, face challenges are all part of our existence. We all have to accept it.

    And do not forget about one thing;


    Enjoy it my friend

  3. Improve your self esteem, feel better about yourself, tell yourself that you are a better person and no matter what anyone else says believe that you are an important and worthwhile person.

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