
What are some websites that are free for genealogy?

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I wanna know some websites for genealogy that are free. They have to be good websites. And it has to give good information on my ancestors (such as eye color, hair color, i.e.).

I would be very grateful.




  1. World War I Draftcards is the only data base I know of that gives hair color and eye color. It has men in the USA born 1872-1900.

    has some. Ancestry has all of them, but it is a subscription data base.

    So, you are not going to get what you want. I myself want a job as the taste tester at the Royal Danish School for Concubines and Buffet Chefs. Sometimes what people want doesn't exist.

    is a guide to 11 huge free genealogy sites that don't have hair color or eye color, if you'd like to lower your expectations.


    the classic encyclopedia of genealogy sources  (great beginner section).

    As for appearance.. your best source on this is immediate or extended family, that may have old pictures. Older ones won't be in color, of course. WW1 draft registration is one that has description.

    And everyone wants free.  There are some costs to research. has the best collection of census records, so forth (draft cards are from there). If you want GOOD research, you will find that it is well worth the cost.  

  3. (not sure if thats the actual addrss but you can google for freebmd)

  4. I'm not sure where you are going to find a site that has hair and eye color - as thats more of a thing you would only find out through your family - i.e. grandparents, great aunts and uncles and cousins. But there is a good free site I know of that you might find somewhat useful:

    Hope it helps.  

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