
What are some websites where I can get ideas for personal photography pictures?

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I love taking pictures, and love expiermenting and taking pictures of myself, where can i get some ideas?




  1. Join and then go searching through the different groups.There, you will find all kinds of photographers shooting with different themes and subjects. You will see lots of different ideas and approaches.

    Plug in different search terms, for instance Headless, and you will get different groups shooting photographs of people with no heads, headless angels and so on.

    another example. search for Hungry and you'll find groups like Hungry Trees, which is all photographs where the tree looks like it is swallowing fence posts, pieces of wood, signs and so on.

    Good luck!

  2. I love the website, it has work from so many incredible artists.

    look at cindy sherman, she was famous for doing all self portraits in really interesting ways.

  3. yeah the one above i agree

    ppl help me plz;...

  4., go to the wallpapers section

  5. I actually don't go to websites for my inspiration... I go to magazines. I will often flip through magazines and tear out pictures that I like... I put them all in a binder, and when I need inspiration I go to them. From time to time, I'll even try to recreate them.

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