
What are some websites where i can make an animated buddy icon?

by  |  earlier

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I need to make an animated buddy icon, where the pictures that i upload change. I also need to make it large not the little tiny ones that you cant see.

So basically i need a website that:

1. Allows me to upload my own pictures

2. Is animated which allows the pictures to change

3. Is rather large or medium not so tiny i cant see it




  1. Usually the size limit for AIM icons is very low (48x48 and less than 7KB).

    You can also go to and make your own icon. It auto sizes it so you don't have to worry to resize it.

    You can also go to and type in something you want in the icon search. Click the picture you want and then click it again. It will say something like " Are you sure you want to change your AIM Picture?".

    I hope it helps!!

    Good luck!!

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