
What are some weight lifting exercises to improve my power hitting for baseball?

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What are some weight lifting exercises to improve my power hitting for baseball?




  1. For hitting? You don't even need weights really. They help, but what you need is bat speed and the ability to turn your hips quickly. This can be achieved by various medicine ball exercises and agility drills (high knees, shuttle sprints, etc.). Trust me, you need to worry about making solid, consistent contact with the ball before you worry about power. The types of exercises I've suggested should help you do that. Search online or talk to your coach about possible exercises you can do. And remember, building muscle and gaining speed are useless if you don't utilize cardio (running, swimming) in addition. Good luck!

  2. Squats, lunges, and abs. Leg strength is essential for endurance playing baseball. Abs for balance and your core. Running a lot also helps.

  3. Well you need to really focus on training the whole body. Mainly I would say forearms are important for your bat speed as are the legs. There's no reason to neglect the upper body though. I would say 3-4x a week. Alternating upper body with lower. Squats, leg press, lunges and lying ham curls for legs. Upper body you want to do things like shoulder press, forearm curls, dips, some sort of chest press and some rows.

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