
What are some whole sale items on ebay that can be sold for a higher price?

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I'm thinking about buying things on ebay that come with like, twenty in a pack for fifty dollars (this is a hypothetical example), getting the items, then selling each individual item for it's worth of twenty dollars, and making a lot of profit. Any ideas as to items on wholesale?




  1. Hi Beaking,

    DVDs is a good option. You can buy DVD lot and then resell them listing one by one.

    There's only a few things you have to take into account.

    1) Don't buy into old movies. They sell like 100 DVDs for 50$ or so - it's way too cheap to be good films, most of cases they're out of date. However, some ol' good stuff sells quite well - you just have to know what buyers want.

    2) To find out what buyers want, you may want to use the first two links from below to do a small research and see what titles are popular.

    3) Be aware there's loads of scammers around and you can get easily scammed so check the sellers feedback thoroughly

    4) Make sure the DVD region code matches the market you'll be selling to - all the codes are in the table in the third link

    5) You can get a lot of free info on this matter from the last link below - that guy's a good hot items powerseller and knows what he's talking about.

    Hope you'll get some ideas here,



  2. There are always a million items that are sold cheap on eBay.. I suggest Sd Cards....I got a few for less than eight bucks...when they cost 22 bucks..or MP4 Players and Dual and Tri Simcard phones..these are what I am doing now,...

    Good Regards


  3. E commerce Ideas, I recommend this blog

  4. I don't have any exact products to tell you.  But if you search around on ebay, there are sections called "Wholesale LOTS".  I think you should spend a little time looking at those and decide if anything offered is worth the value.

  5. At my wallmart they sell baseball cards in a pack of 50 for 3.75. You could find something like that and your bound to get like 10 Cards that are worth more than 1$ Sell those and u get tons of profit. Thats what i do. The only hard part is finding out how much the cards are worth befor you put them on ebay

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