
What are some words i should know if i'm going to be a captain of a boat?

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like, i know the basics: Bow means from, stern means back.

If anyone knows other ones, please have them also in the translated form, or definition. or other things i should know when driving a boat. thank you!




  1. Port = Left side

    Starboard = Right side

    Head = Bathroom

    Galley = Kitchen

    Aft = Towards the rear inside the boat; for instance, an aft cabin is the bed furthest back on the boat

  2. The three most important words for any boat or ship captain: "I don't know".

  3. ****, ****, and **** are some good ones.

    (fyi, I didn't get censored, I just typed those asterisks)

    in your question you state "bow means from", but this is incorrect.  "bow" means "front"

    "rode":  together, the chain and rope that make up the anchor line.

    "scope":  the ratio of rode length to depth, general rule should be 7:1 in most cases.

    "stand-on vessel":  in a crossing situation, the boat that has the right of way;  the stand-on vessel is responsible for maintaining a constant heading and speed unless it signals otherwise.

    "give-way vessel":  in a crossing situation, the boat that yields the right of way;  the give-way vessel is responsible for altering speed or heading to avoid a collision.

    "hole shot":  acceleration from a standing start to planing mode.

  4. Words we're not allowed to use on here.... :D

  5. you should learn to say "argh captain" and "skallywag"

  6. this is very important to know if you are to be a captain  say this


  7. If a man falls overboard, you hollar out, "Man Overboard".

    If a woman falls overboard, you hollar out, "Full speed ahead!"

    just kidding.....LOL

  8. Beer me.


    Cerveza por favor.

    The captain may not always be right, but he/she is never wrong.

  9. how much is gas and do you guys have any money

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