
What are some workouts I can do to help strengthen my punches?

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What are some workouts I can do to help strengthen my punches?




  1. judomofo has great points, and another thing you could do instead of punching a heavy bag you could knuckle push ups it will strengthen your knuckles so you punches are more solid and it also works your arms great. I personally like holding weights while punching, it has never screwed up my punches what so ever.

  2. using weights is not good for punching exercises

    resistance bands are much better on the joints

    I have tried both methods and Judomofo is right......

  3. Push ups (use variations) and squats and lunges using weights.  

    If your center of balance is off, your punches won't help you.

  4. get a punching bag and hang it up on a tree or in your basement. or put your mattress up against the wall and punch that.

  5. Well heavybags are one way.

    (They also help to allow you to punch harder by making the nerves in the hand less sensitive and thus your brain will allow you to throw a punch harder...)

    Resistance bands are a great way, essentially having them tied to a pole or a partner holding them, you turning away from partner or pole and punching with them. It gives you resistance and helps build fast twitch muscle for it.

    Medicine ball throws are the latest thing. Doing an overhand throw of the medicine ball against a wall, repeatedly is supposed to simulate throwing an overhand right.

    What you want is resistance to the motion.

    Some people suggest holding weights and such, but in reality that is also detrimental. It can affect joints, and essentially helps to train your arm not to punch all the way through something. (By nature when you are holding a weight your body has to stop it's forward momentum so that you can continue holding on to it.

    If you have ever lifted explosively you find you have to hold on to the bar to keep it from flying away, and as such you put a strain on your joint, and you develop a reflex for not full extensions as your body will want to counter that weight.

    Hence resistance bands, and throws are best. Because it allows you to do the full range of motion without having to reverse the momentum of a weight.

    Heavybags with heavy gloves are a great help as well. As it helps your technique, and the bag absorbs the heavy weight allowing you to go through it, instead of building that holding back sort of reflex.

    That is why boxers don't shadowbox with heavy gloves, but with wrapped hands.

    Heavy gloves are great for the heavy bag.

    Weights in your hands are more of a hinderance then a help.

    You want resistance bands, or to do medicine ball throws.

    Hope that helps.

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