
What are some workouts I can do to prepare for field hockey?

by  |  earlier

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I played field hockey last year but haven't done anything to prepare for this years season. I need to know what excersises should I work on and how long should it take for me to run a mile.




  1. Cardio.

  2. run run run.

    also get a group together and drive the ball at each other and work on stopping it. work on dribbling, dodges and andy other technique.

    also lift weights and do things like squats and leg workouts. field hockey requires you stay low on the field so things like that will better prepare you.

    mainly running and eg workouts will help you. go to your local track and sprint too. see if you can sprint all out for one lap. it will build our endurance.

    you should be able to run a mile in 7 minutes 30 seconds. thats about the average where i live. granted there are some very fast people but if you can run long distances it will be more appealing to a coach than running one mile fast but thats it.

  3. I've been using some awesome full body workouts for a while now that I

    found at

    They've really been kicking my butt and working me hard. I've lost a

    good bit of belly fat and feeling a lot better now with more energy.

    Sometimes I use bodyweight workouts and work out at home, and other

    times I go to the gym for a little more intense workouts. Good luck!

  4. Build up to about 2 miles of running. Also try to do 3 sets of 10 situps and pushups every night until you can do more and work up from there.

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