
What are some workouts i can do for the 500 free?

by  |  earlier

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My time is a 6:15 and i want to get at least a 5:30 time. ill be also joining the y swim team.




  1. How old are you?????

  2. keep trying in a pool

  3. So you want to take of 45 seconds.   I suggest that you get in the pool and get some distance going.  I suggest that you do some long distance swimming like  a 500 yd warm up.  Then move to some pulling 5 x 100s, then some kicking 10x50s with 20 seconds rest, and then some 5x100s swim, with about 20 secs rest.  Mix this type of thing up and then end your session with another cool down maybe 300 yds.  I also would suggest that you get in the pool every day.  Some days do only distance.  Other days do a few other strokes to keep your body strong.  Focus your sessions on getting the distance in, then as you get closer to the competition season start to work on the speed work and then you will be surprised.

    Technique is also really important, make sure that your turns are on, and that you are not wasting a lot of energy with wasted movements.  Video is really good for this.  Good luck.

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