
What are somethings I should grab when I am home alone and think someone is trying to break in my home?

by  |  earlier

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Today I thought someone was trying to break in my home, because I heard some noises and then hard knocks and kicks. So I grabbed my phone to call 911, diaper powder to throw in the guy's face while I run, and woman's perfume to spray in his face while I run again. What are really important things I should grab when someone is trying to break in my home? But today it turned out to be the mail




  1. Your gun.

  2. Your gun!

  3. Yeah get a gun, so that the next time you overreact you end up going to jail for murder.  

  4. have a safe room in your house that you can retreat to and hold out for a while. If you think someone is breaking into your house the two most important things you can have are your gun, and your phone.

    Get your gun and phone, retreat to your safe room and call 911. Hold out there until the police arrive. Hopefully you will not have to use the gun

  5. Just call 911 next time the police almost always show up before the bad guys can do any harm.

  6. A loaded .357 magnum revolver.

  7. 1 grab the phone dial 911 inform the operator of current situation, obtain a weapon

    2 while on the phone find out carefully if there is someone in your house.

    3 Warn suspect that u are on phone with police (the operator will record everything you said.)

    4 If suspect comes near u warn to stay away

    5 survive by any means necessary defend yourself, family etc.


    so that the operator can HEAR and RECORD the entire scenario

  8. The only thing you need to grab is a Phone and call 911 and than if you can get the heck out that house. If you can not find a closet and hide with phone with you

    do not go shooting and fighting no one you will end up ticking them off and getting your butt whooped

  9. Sounds like the only thing you should be grabbing is a Xanax bottle.

  10. get some mace or pepper spray or a gun

  11. Rear door k**b.  Don't take chances.

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