
What are sone tips on winning concert tickets from a station>?

by Guest63547  |  earlier

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like you know when you call in and you have to be this number of caller like caller 102.




  1. My ex-girlfriend is an expert at winning.  I don't understand how she gets so lucky.  She has several stations on speed dial, and just keeps on calling.  She says not to be discouraged if you get a busy signal.  Just keep dialing and hope you get through.

  2. Get to know your local DJ!!!

    I probably should not say this, but during the contest you are at the mercy of whoever is on the air at that time.  Sure, there are give-away rules they are supposed to follow, but we are only human, sometimes we can be "swayed" by complements.  I am not saying all contests are rigged, but for the regular every-day give away items (concert tix, CD's etc.) the jock can usually pick whoever he wants to win.  But for the bigger give aways, with things like car's, vacation trips, large amounts of cash the rules are usually followed out to the T.

    So get to know the jocks on your favorite station, and it just might make you a winner!

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