
What are sorrows or fears in life and what are happiness in life?

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  1. Fear, what if Allah na karey I dont enter Jannah? fear of torments of a grave, fear of loosing loved ones, sorrows Alhumdulillah none, m brave and believe that its of Allah's will

    Happiness, m the person who finds happiness in everything, even if its blowing nice, i feel happy, good food makes me happy, seeing people laughing enjoying life, Alhumdulillah m happy, when my mother says she is proud of me m happy, when my family loves me m happy, m happy even in my sorrows :) ~!

  2. Fears : to die with out the Kalimah.

                tO die & Allah is not Radi of me

                to not have done goodness with others like my parents & children.

    I'm a happy man & can't be more thankful 2 Allah. Alhamdulillah.


  3. my sorrows and fears are: people I love having pain in their body or heart, children of the world being abused, heights (but that is what makes roller coasters fun, right?) and hurting other people with my words. I have a few things that bring me happpiness and thye are: my children, my dogs and  knowing that I and my family will one day be with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.  

  4. Happiness is when I see things improve. New inventions, kids growing older. Also happy by beautiful things, like design and nature. Sorrows when I see people don;t want to improve their lives and are stuck. Guess I view life in terms of growth

  5. Sorrow and fear in life is life itself (being alive, day to day drudgery); we have solace in the fact the we will one day die.

  6. The sorrows in life are losing loved ones, misfortunes of all sorts including, family ( infertility etc...), health, wealth ( poverty and lack of security ), occupation and accommodation. Unfulfilled desires ( things you've always wanted to do but unable to do due to various reasons).

    The fears in life are the shortness of lives of ourselves and loved ones, ill-health, poverty and lack of security, losing your job and home, losing your way from the right path and missing out the chance to go to paradise.

    The happinesses in life are birth of new loved ones, a family and good social network, good health, good education and occupation, security and accommodation. Walking on the straight path. Having wishes fulfilled.

  7. My sorrows and fears would be if something bad happened to my kids and another would be if I failed as a parent. My happiness in life is my Jesus Christ and my children I don't know what I would do without either one of them.

  8. Sorrow: Not having the full freedom to practice my religion.

    Happiness: Having some freedom to practice my religion.

  9. Fear is the old one that no one is going to survive in Pakistan!

    You see bomb blasts?

    series of suicide bombings and many other things....even attacks on the holy places!

    Happiness is just prosperity of Muslims and Islam in real sense!

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