
What are southern people SO fat?

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This is a stereotype..i know, but I see SOOOO many fat people here..I just got back from traveling through louisiana and mississippi...and every place I went out to eat the people were obese! its really unhealthy..what is it? the sun? the food?




  1. THeres alot of fatty foods the originated there. Also alot of them have bbq's alot and they have alot of fast food resteraunts.

  2. we eat alot of fried foods and corn bread

  3. It's because we know how to cook so well, we eat it ALL. LOL I'm not overweight, but my husband is, I'm a great cook and he eats what I give him. Plus, a lot of southerners cooking involves unhealthy products such as frying, and butter.

  4. probably due to all those fried foods: chicken, county fried steak, hush puppies, etc and high fat foods like cornbeard, grits, mac & cheese, jambalaya, etc.

  5. maccas...... kentucky fried chicken.... pizza hut.... krispy kreme... etc. etc. etc.

  6. Hey, I'm southern, and I'm not fat.  I'm 23 and I'm around 110 - 115 pounds.

    I like to eat as well, so not all southern people are fat.  Look around America has weight problem, its not just the south.

  7. Because we fry EVERYTHING. But not all of us are fat. A lot of us eat well, exercise, etc. Don't stereotype. I sort of wonder what restaurants you went to, actually, that everyone would be obese.

  8. they just sit down on a lawn chair in there big open fields and drink beer all day!!!!!!

  9. Maybe it's because they are eating fast.

  10. Southerners are surrounded by good food.  While you were in Louisiana, didn't you have a beignet, a Po Boy, gumbo, etc?

    Also, it is difficult to be motivated to do a lot of exercising outside when the weather is sauna-like.

  11. Yes people in the south eat alot of food cooked in or with fat or lard. The best biscuits my mom ever made started with lard. And we LOVE our sweet tea. But what hurts us the most is we don't get out like we should. I'm one of those people too, but I'm working on it one day at a time.

    And to John Doe regarding southern accents - not everyone here has a Dolly Parton accent. I have probably 200 relatives born and living in the fine state of Alabama, but only 3 of them has the southern accent you're talking about.

    Still, if you were born and raised in the south, you're gonna sound more like those you are around the most. My daughter sometimes slips and has a drawl - and I correct her. I've told her repeatedly, if you sound like you're from the south, people automatically deduct 50 points from your IQ. Sad, but true.

  12. Soul Food?


    Really.. The southern culture is all about comfort and tradition.

    Cooking and eating is a big part of the lifestyle in the south.

  13. I'm not sure .some people I know say its because there's not enough to do .like local swimming pools,walking trails,

  14. Traditional southern cooking tends to be heavy in fried items and lots of pork fat.  Alot of it comes from the fact that people couldn't afford to buy really good food and had to settle for what was available to them.  This meant having to disguise flavors with fat or fry things.  Statistically you're not reporting anything new, we've known about this for a while.  But you obviously didn't notice that there are some average and even skinny people here - I'm in Birmingham, AL and I'm only 15 lbs over and falling.

  15. They r fat because they are not thin! (just kidding)

    You are mistaken, not all southern people are fat. There are many thin people also. You said that there were many fat people  in the places where u went to eat only. Ofcourse there will be fat people over there because they like eating outside foods especially containing fat in it for example burger, pizza, butter, cheese etc. If you look in this point of view there will be fat people throughout the country (especially in the places where there are restaurants). If you would have gone to the streets and shopping malls in Lousiana and Mississippi there might not be a lot of fat people.

  16. well it is because they cook all this good old fattening food and we just cant resist eating it.  it is all that food like fried chicken mac and cheese pork beans and all that good stuff

  17. because alot of people in the south fry things. mostly the food is what gets them

  18. Lets take away all the Drive-thru's,  throw away the remote controls. People need to start walking again.

  19. Perhaps, because in the South we were taught to never talk bad about someones appearance.

    Also, the most beautiful women in the world are in the South.

    It was true what my Dad told me a long time ago.. " if the women up north have a good body, their face looks like a Man and if their face is pretty, their body looks like a sack of sh*t.

  20. You are so wrong! The people from the South are not obese. Have you ever watched the Miss America Contest? Most of the winners were from the South. Mainly Texas which is where I'm from. We don't consume anymore fattening foods than any other state. You just happened to be in a restuarant on the day that overweight people were there.I'm curious to know how tall you are and how much you weigh, and what kind of foods you eat. I'm 5'2" tall and weigh 105 lbs. I live in Texas, eat anything I want. It's my right.

  21. Also why don't they go to school and drop the obnoxious accent? To the person who said they have the most beautiful women. Are you trying to be funny? That honor belongs to Asia.

    To businesses: Please do not use people with a southern accent to answer your phones is is poor customer service.

    Please note I am from North Carolina.

  22. they probably like all those fat and greasy foods and don't excise.

  23. I live in GA and I am not fat.

  24. I am from the south and I am always amazed when I go to the North and people are so fit and trim.  the North has bike trails along the highways and city streets.    the southeners stay in and cook and eat.  Food is a reward Family celebrate with food.  That is why the south is fluffy

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