
What are <span title="the................................?">the.........................</span>

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5 purposes for creating art please answer i want to know i forgot




  1. It really depends on the person and the way they think. I know It&#039;s not what you want to hear, but art is different to everybody else

  2. Hello

    Im not too sure what you mean by that BUT

    I did google it for you.

    Found a site that describes the different purposes of Art. They included

    - Spiritual Art: Art In the Service of Religion

    - Political and Social Purposes of Art

    - Political Protest

    - Art as Mirror of Everyday Life

    Then i looked at a wikipedia page but you can never be too sure with that:

    - Basic human instinct for harmony, balance, rhythm.

    - Experience of the mysterious.

    - Expression of the imagination.

    - Universal communication.

    - Ritualistic and symbolic functions.

    I hope that helps but i&#039;d like to remind you that i have no idea :]


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