
What are sponsers ? how do you think they might help snowbording?

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What are sponsers ? how do you think they might help snowbording?




  1. sponcers basically pay you money to snowboard under their name and show off their gear. usually they give you their latest gear and pay you to compete under  their name. its a pretty sweet deal.

  2. forget the guy underneath me.... only in certain cases do they pay you money to snowboard.... what happens most often is they give you equipment to place in competitions and give their name out.. ride for them.

         however, riders have to send in a video of what they've been doing with the equipment they have been given. they have to show tricks and stuff so i believe they keep snowboarding in line because a lot of people snowboard to get sponsored, get discounted (or even free) equipment so they have to push themselves in order to get that... sponsors are helping the sport to evolve.

  3. Well, sponsors are people or companies who pay you to advertise their products and/or services while you ride or compete. Most sponsors will pay you as well as buy/give you gear for snowboarding. Good luck and have fun with it!

    Hope this helps.

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