
What are squawks when referring to flying?

by Guest58915  |  earlier

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What are squawks when referring to flying?




  1. They be the 4 digit (Out of 4096) codes that you enter into your transponder so atc can identify your specific aircraft on their radar scope. All ifr flights have their own discreet code. Vfr squawks 1200. Vfr flights will also be assigned a code when transitioning class B, and C airspace, and when receiving vfr flight following. There are also emergency codes such as 7500 for hijacking, 7600 for lost radio communication, and 7700 for emergencies. Some companies are assigned their own codes permanently, and there are varying military codes, medical flight codes, and an air force one code.

  2. John, the first poster deserves 10 points only if you are American. Because in Europe the VFR squawk code is not 1200 but 7000. Admitedly not a good idea because, years ago, during my first flight with instructor, entering a controlled airspace, I was asked to switch from 7000 to something else and ... I did it without going first to StandBy. Ooops! I cycled through 7700 and his radar secondary screen went yellow and red and so did his face when he yelled back at me: "Switch off that d**n thing, you ... silly student!" :-)

    1200 keeps you away from any emergency code.

  3. Squawks can also be complaints about the aircraft, i.e. an inoperative gauge, a broken radio, balding tires, etc.

  4. the transponder code i honestly think the first post should get the 10

  5. Depending on how it is used, could mean what is being transmitted on the Transponder


    At the end of the flight it would be a write up of something not working properly

  6. For identification purposes, aircraft are equipped with a system called "transponder".

    This transponder transmits a 4-figure code which can be seen on the radar screens and will be printed on the flight strip

    <screenshot in IvAc showing several aircraft squawking 2000>

    By making an aircraft "squawk" a specific code the controllers can easily identify it in a group of aircraft.

    <screenshot in IvAc showing several aircraft squawking 2000 except 1 of them>

    The codes also enable the controller to easily locate an aircraft declaring an urgency or an emergency.

    Each digit shows figures from 0 to 7 only. In all, from 0000 to 7777, 4096 codes are available.

    The codes are usually assigned by the controllers except for those 4 dedicated to specific situations :

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