
What are steps to be taken to prevent future genocides?

by Guest57028  |  earlier

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can you think of any proposed steps that we can take to prevent future genocides, such as peacful methods and collaboration...

and to prevent past ones from reoccurring

i want your opinion, thanks!




  1. You must eliminate the human race from the equation to prevent future genocides.

  2. The best way is to promote Democracy and the capitalist systems around the world. These things never occur in a Democracy.

  3. I sense an appeaser!

    Genocides are taking place to this day. To prevent a future one, then you would have to take away everyone's power.

  4. thank you for asking this!!! =D

    i'd say knowledge!!

    most people don't even know that there is a genocide happening RIGHT NOW in darfur. if more people knew then they'd spread the word.

    -peaceful rallies.

    -fundraising to help refugees adn others

    -convincing leaders around the world to take action.

    it just takes one person to stand up. =D

  5. spread democracy in the middle east.

  6. teach this generation to respect one another. You can disagree have different beliefs, but still respect one another. The only way that will happen is if you educate them about other cultures, people, and religion.

    show them what is goin on in the world right now in Africa and other places and show them not just tell them, logically explain to them that this is wrong. It should not be tolerated. Kids learn the best when you model it to them.

    We need to get involved in change if we want our kids to take matters seriously.

  7. international accountability - it should matter that the rest of the world threatens and sanctions a country for this.

    peaceful division of resources  - much of the darfur conflict is over water, wars over diamonds, etc.  

    democracy - not the end all, but much more likely to prevent genocide

    and however we end racism, poverty, and sexism...

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