
What are strategies and tactics for touch rugby?

by Guest57698  |  earlier

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What are strategies and tactics for touch rugby?




  1. Depends what Country you play in.  Aussie have a very compact style, NZ has a very flarey style of play.  our best bet is to go and watch some of your local top teams play.  touch is a lot more than people express on here.  Its true to know the basics but if you already have an understanding then you need to watch the best in your local area.  It is true though, the better the team you play in the more advance you become.  The basics of the 5 metre rule defense (goaline rolling) or dragging the defense is fine if you play social touch but it is alot more complicated than this.  These are the very minimum of touch.  I played touch in Auckland NZ top level for 9 years so have some experience in this area.  but best suggestion is leave the reaing alone and go and watch some quality local touch.  What country and city are you in I may be able to give you some team names to watch.

  2. If the person carring the ball is running at you it is better to touch them even if they are going to pass the ball. if carring the ball dummie as much as possible.

  3. endurance and physical fitness, the 4 corner drill

  4. its not a complicated game, just make sure you always support the ball carrier when they get through the line, and always keep a flat line of man-to-man in defence

    by far the most important thing is to have some fun!

  5. Moving up in defence ESPECIALLY on your own line. Not only is it tactically sound to not let the attacking team come at you but for you to go at them, it is also the law within the 5m area. If the attacking team is in possession of the ball outside of the 5m line, the defence MUST all move forward continuously until all players have lef the 5m area. The speed of the forward movement is not imporant, but it must be a continuous movement.

    Dummy halves often arrive too slowly and there is seldom a quick burst either from dummy or the first receiver to make use of the retreating defence.

    Run on to a ball and not wait for the ball to come to you, this is especially imortant with the first pass from dummy half. call for the ball early and receive the pass at full pace. This makes all the difference when trying to attack a defence which is back-pedalling. It is vital in touch for the fist couple of touches to get the defence into disarray.

    If somebody is running across the face of the opposition its often because he is dragging the defence one way and it creates gaps, for this to work you need lots of communication and runners at different angles to exploit the gaps, otherwise no one is quite sure how to react.

    If somebody makes a break its important to back up!

    simple rollball: you take one or two steps to the side in the same direction as you were traving. This allows for a quick pickup and the dummy have can take a couple of steps forwards, immediately putting you onside (provided you move sideways and not much forwards). It also means the dummy half doesn't get his/her head burried up your ****! The dummy half then has the option to pass straight back to you or to the right (support should be ready) or make the break. You should always be ready to receive the ball straight away. Also don't worry about getting in the way - if you're there, then the DH can pass to you. This differs from Union and getting between the scrum half and fly half.

    dump and split: In this case you make the rollball and move hard to one side, again continuing in the same direction as you were running. The DH can take a couple of steps and put you onside, as long as you move sideways and not much forwards. This move can be very effective when attacking the line.

    You are almost never doing the wrong thing by doing 1) or 2). I guess there's always the possibility of a static roll ball, i.e. restart or on the line, in which case you could remain where you are, as the dummy half is also stationary. When a bit of momentum is involved, though, it is especially important get out of the way of the of the dummy half's line of running by stepping to one side to allow for a quick pick up and keep the attacking momentum.

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