
What are sure signs of a child being molested?

by  |  earlier

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I know that misbehaving/acting out, bed wetting, anti-social behaviors, things of that nature are signs but those are also signs of other things too. What are FOR SURE SIGNS OF MOLESTATION OR RAPE? Please I need help!!!!




  1. Changes in behavior such as withdrawal, fearfulness, crying without provocation.

    Change in eating habits.

    Disrupted sleep patterns, fear of the dark or nightmares.

    Regression to more infantile behavior such as bedwetting, sucking their thumbs, or abnormal and excessive crying.

    Bruises, rashes, cuts, limping, or poorly explained injuries

    Vaginal or rectal bleeding, pain, itching, swollen genitals, vaginal discharge, or sexually transmitted diseases.

    Stained or torn underwear.

    Unusual interest in or knowledge of sexually related matters or expression of affection in ways inappropriate for a child of that age.

    Fear of a person or an intense dislike at being left somewhere or with someone (relatives, babysitters, etc)

    Other behavioral signals such as aggressive or disruptive behavior, running away, failing in school.

    If a child tells you they have been molested, believe them.  this is very important because if you don't react or don't believe them chances of them telling someone else is slim.

  2. if the child or person in question doesnt like to be touched that is a good indication that something is definately wrong.

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