
What are symbolic meanings of FIRE?

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Phoenix gives fire as rebirth, on the other hand fire is just destructive. any suggestions




  1. Purification thru painful ordeal.

    Death and rebirth


  2. I think fire is like any other element, too much is destructive and uncontrolable but smaller amounts are tameble and begin new beginning.

  3. Fire is like life... or better yet the spirit of life.  It can be both birth or death//give life or destruction.

  4. Transformation, change, passion, anger, warmth, love.

  5. It's basically the ultimate power symbol. It gives takes lives, only to return it when the time comes. It represents the true power and fury of passion, The fiber of our fears, yet the true wonders of our world. Fire is fearless, conquering all else and ruling the other elements.

    ...I swear I'm not Wiccan like everyone accuses me of being. xD

  6. It starts very quietly

    It starts with a spark

    It starts in the center

    It starts in the heart

    Fire of Creation

    Fire of Purification

    Fire of Transformation

    Fire of Illumination

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