
What are symptoms of adult ADD? How do I know if I have it?

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Can you tell me what the symptoms are of adult ADD? Is it possible to be diagnosed with it in your late 20's or early 30's?




  1. I was diagnosed at 29. My symptoms were/are:

    Difficulty completing tasks. I would start 5-10 things and not be able to finish any of them - unless I really paid attention to the fact I wasn't getting anything finished.

    Hyperfocusing - If I am reading, watching TV, driving or on the computer, I can't hear anyone talking to me. I also did this at work if I was straightening the store - I wouldn't notice customers walking in.

    Interrupting others when they speak. I cannot wait to have my turn to talk and I really have to be careful about this. People get offended and I am really not meaning to do it.

    Once I was diagnosed, I tried medications. My dr told me there are 3 types of ADD and each med treats a different type. Ritalin doesn't work for me - it made me feel like an addict. I did great on Adderol, but I didn't want to be taking meds forever either. I think there are a lot of practical things one can do to combat the symptoms without using medication. Interestingly, only the smartest people have ADD and medication will allow your IQ to go up several points. I tested before and after and my IQ was measured at 139 then, 149-150.

    My doctor asked how I did in school. I said fine, except in math. He asked if I knew I was smarter than the other people in the class - I said yes, but my grades never reflected it. He asked if there was one subject that eluded me - yes - just math. He said this was evidence of the ADD. It felt great to have the diagnosis and have a reason for why I had some problems in school. I had always felt like I had failed or not lived up to everyones' expectations.  

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