
What are syptoms of a gall bladder attack,i was hurting really bad in my back around the middle like a big ?

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cramp and lasted for 45 minutes ,it was awful




  1. Gall bladder pain is usually described as right upper quadrant pain or an epigastric pain that goes through to the shoulder blade in back. It can be colicky in nature. Nausea, vomiting and belching are common.  This pain comes on after eating an unusually fatty meal.

  2. it's like a 500 pound weight is on your chest and you can't cramp and feel like you could die...lasts anywhere from 5 min to an hour...sounds like you had one

  3. My friend had her gall bladder removed and before she had an attack she described her symptoms to me.

    She had very severe, long, painful, pulsing cramps in her lower right tummy.

    If these cramps continue for you, I would go to a doctor.

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