
What are taboos in Germany?

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  1. I agree with the first answer, apart from the eating bit. Germans will forgive Americans that easily.

    But one of the more important taboos was not mentioned by anybody, and that is religion.

    Talk about religion is strictly confined to consenting adults, and it is very bad manners to tell everybody about it, whereas the US Americans are doing that all the time.

  2. Another no-no in Germany is do not ask a German about their financial situation. Do not ask how much money they have or how much money they make. They are very private about these things.

  3. Don't talk about n**i's, this is the third generation born after the war and they really don't want to hear about Hitler anymore.

    You don't f**t, burp and swear in public.Otherwise that's about it. They're not any different then Americans.

  4. ehhh... the whole Hitler thing... yeah, don't go up to a war vet and start goose stepping, but there are people in my school who make Hitler jokes, and there's even a Hitler parody movie that just came out that is hilarious!

    Taboos, though? Being a fan of President Bush will get you insulted.

    Careful with "Du."

    When toasting, use "Prost" and make sure you catch the eye of everyone in turn as you toast. If you don't, it's 10 years of bad s*x!

  5. always finish your beer,otherwise everything goes

  6. Driving slowly in the left lane on the autobahn (freeway) is taboo.  The left lane is strictly meant for passing.

  7. Hey, maybe I can help.

    I'm orig. from Germany, I married a GI.

    Well let's see. My hubby says, we Germans don't have any Taboos! Ha!

    Germany is more open,esp. with the sexual thing. People are more open about it.

    The main thing I can think of is: Don't say :" Heil Hitler" or make fun of it.

    You can't drive a car till you are 18.But with 18 you are full of age and can drink.

    Can't drop out of school. If you do, you have to go at least once a week and without graduading you will not get a job.

    This is not much, if I remember more, I'll write  again...Good luck

  8. Don't drink tap water.  They'll think you're just plain weird.

  9. YOU KNOW WHAT,  i have no idea.

       But I've found that in gremany (deutschland), ppl are unlikely to speak english to you, they think you are an american. Since i'm canadian, on my last trip to Stuttgard, to the zuffenhaus district-porsche factory, it helped alot to wear my country's colors.

       as for taboos, i didn't find any. In stuttgard, they had many biker bars, what a joke. all them bikers had less tatoos than i did, and the funniest thing, there was a honda dress up like a Harley, sitting infront of the bar.

      If you go, have fun on the autobahn. Average speed is at 120kph, sometimes you get into the 130kph zone and rarelly you are able to go NO SPEED LIMIT. ohh yeah, just remember, lots of photo radar in germany, but the fines are cheap, really cheap, so speed away. and if you have a companion in a car with you, as long as the driver hasn't touched a drop of liquor, let the party begin.

  10. The first poster pretty much summed it up. I would like to add that Germans are a lot more private than Americans and don't want to discuss their private lives, financial situation, how much they paid for something or who they vote for.

    They are all in all a more reserved people.

  11. * Excessive patriotism (allthough patriotism regarding the federal state, rather than the country as a whole, is acceptable)

    * Swearing at people (even uttering mild swear words at someone can get you arrested!)

    * Talking about your private life in the workplace

    * Using the informal pronoun "Du" to address strangers and superiors (especially people over 40)

    * Failing to make eye contact / shake hands when being introduced

    * Eating with one hand

    * Littering

  12. Regarding TABOOS, Lady Jasmin got it really well.

    Real taboos are any n**i symbols and greetings (you'll even go to jail).

    Antisemitic actions, publications or jokes.

    Drink driving (even younger people see it more and more as offense).

    Everything else can be rated as Do and Don't, most Germans will forgive you if you do not respect them.

    I think talking about religion is not a taboo in towns, maybe in rural areas, especially in southern Germany. I've been talking a lot about religion (and my position was not pro catholic). I never had any issue.

    There are do's and don'ts for Germany, as well as for any country. But although many Germans fit into the do and don't

    list, most of them will excuse it if a foreigner doesn't know them.

    Good do and don't lists attached.

  13. what kind of project is that? didn´t you get a more precisely top?

  14. don' t critisize their heritage, cars and 2 of the biggest NONO's are saying bad things about their beer & wine!!

  15. George Bush.

    Greetings from Germany

  16. Believe it or not, dogs are welcome in most places in Germany unlike the States.  You can take your pet into the bank,  a lot of them even have dog treats for them.  Of course the dogs are well behaved because everything in Germany must be in Ordnung (order).

    Don't wear white tennis shoes with the big N for New Balance on them, this is a sign of the neo-n***s and you are taken to be a white supremist by some persons.

    Do not stand up to pee in your friend's house if you're a guy and they are married!  This is a BIG NO NO as the true enemy of a German wife is disorder or dirt in any form.  The phrase is a "sitzpisser" one who sits to pee.

    Don't EVER run in front of a car in Germany because you are risking your life, the pedestrian isn't the right of way like in the U.S.   They won't slow down, it's kind of a sport to scare the pedestrian who crosses against the cross walk light!

    Don't make rude gestures in your car when driving, this is punishable, especially if you do this to the Polizei.  The Police have a law called "offending the Police" and it is expensive to get a ticket for this.  Don't even speak rudely to them if you are smart.

    Germans may not always be friendly, but if you have a German friend, they are a friend for life.   Just not as many people call themselves friends because it is more important to be a good friend.

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