
What are tech to stay awak during the day?

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I see myself getting alot more tired during the day and was wondering what are some of the ways that you use to stay awak during the day MINUS the caffien and energy drinks..




  1. first, you have to be sure that you take a 6-8 hrs sleep during the NIGHT. avoid sleeping morethan 8 hrs cause it will make you feel more sleepy and lousy during the day.

    2nd, you have to try to give yourself atleast 10 mins to reflect every morning, whre you can pray and think about your purpose as a human, why you live and also think about your loved ones and your goals ... cause it will inspire you and boost you in your everyday life.

    3rd,eat right and drink multivitamins to balance the nutrients in your body, so even if you don't feel like eating much, you still stay healthy.

    note: stress and overfatigue really causes tiredness, be aware and alert at don't let your body rule you. focus and let your mind be refreshed everyday with love, kindness, and be sure that you live you BEST DAY everyday... cause we will never knw how much more time we have ...cause when you live and you do it right, eventhough we can only live once, it is enough... have a happy life!

  2. I don't know.   I am so very tired and I just want to go home and talk a nap.

  3. get a physical.  make sure they test your thyroid.  

    get at least 6 or 7 hours of sleep.  excercise in the morning, jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, isometrics, etc. for 1/2 hour in the morning, 3 x week minimum.  take a walk at lunch.  don't carbo load at lunch.

  4. There is nothing like natural remedies get yourself a Jack La Lane  Juicer  Juice yourself some apples (organic preferably) add natural pineapple  not only will you be getting the natural vitamins and enzymes but the energy apples gives you.  also helps to inprove the immune systems and skin. Trust me anyone who juices fruits or vegetables  IT WORKS.

  5. well start off your day with a healty breakfast. bananas usually give you a little energy and frosted mini wheats, they help you stay awake and alert.

    What you are truly looking for in your breakfast is complex carbohydrates, protein, and fiber, vitamins and minerals.  You want something that will give you energy, but not with loads of fat and sugar, so forget the pop tarts, donuts and pastries. Consider these healthy breakfast items:

    omelets made from egg whites, whole grain breads, oatmeal, and fresh fruits.  

    Try adding tomatoes, green onions, shrimp, or other items to your omelet for variety.  

    Cantaloupe, grapefruit, bananas, and other fresh fruits are just as quick and easy to prepare as that pop tart and have far more fiber and accessible vitamins and minerals.  

  6. Try getting more sleep or get less because i usually stay awake more without.

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