
What are ten steps to be safe during a Hurricane?

by Guest65858  |  earlier

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  1. 1) board up windows

    2) stay away from windows

    3) have extra food

    4) tie down outdoor items

    5) cut down dead limb of trees or dead trees

    well i only got 5 if it helps

  2. 1.) DO NOT duct tape windows as this will not prevent your windows from being broken and will actually cause larger chunks of broken glass to fly about. Use either wood or metal storm shutters instead.

    2.) Know if you live in an evacuation zone. If yes, go to a shelter. If you live in a mobile home, go to a shelter even if your not in an evacuation zone.

    3.) Stock up on plenty of water (3 gallons per person per day), food, and medicine.

    4.) If you decide not to evacuate, stay in a room that doesn't face the wind (i.e. south wind = stay in north facing room) and in one that doesn't have windows.

    5.) Have mattresses and pillows nearby incase you need to protect yourself from falling debris.

    6.) Make sure your cellphone is fully charged as landline phone service will be lost (cell phone service may go out as well). Know all emergency contact phone numbers.

    7.) Have a first aid kit.

    8.) Have a pare of sturdy work boots that can protect your feet from sharp debris.

    9.) Have a good radio and plenty of batteries.

    10.) Remove or tie down anything in your yard that may fly around and cause damage.

  3. board up windows get food and stay inside

  4. 1. duct tape glass windows

    2. crack a couple of windows in order to prevent the pressure drop from blowing them out

    3. get any moveable object (toys, tools, etc.) out of your yard.

    4. evacuate.

    5. if you don't evacuate, stay in a room or hallway with few, if any, windows. Lean mattresses over windows. Keep pillows and blankets, comforters with you.

    6. clean and fill your bathtub with water u can use for drinking, cooking, etc.

    7. stockpile drinking water, food you don't have to cook.

    8. keep a radio, flashlight and fresh batteries handy.

    9. keep a first aid kit handy.

    10. pray.

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