
What are the 10 commandments that environmentalist religion demand to stop global warming?

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maybe one is do not cut a dead or dying tree down




  1. 1. Reduce consumption by whatever means

    2. Tax the wealthy

    3. Tax the poor living in wealthy nations

    4. Turn an essential gas, CO2, into a pollutant

    5. Use #4 to regulate said gas (read this as taxing).

    6. Ignore all data which disproves AGW

    7. If you can not ignore the data, tear down the author, no matter how esteemed he/she may be.

    8. Over report studies which try to prove AGW.

    9. When studies are shown to be wrong, never admit to them being wrong and again use #7 on the detractors.

    10. Run away from any and all open debates.

    11.  Kill as many economies as possible to go back to a more "pure" time, like the 1750's.

    12. Demand the average individual sacrifice their lifestyle while the AGW supporters maintain their opulent lifestyles.

  2. 1) "I am Al Gore. I used to be the next president of the United States of America." You shall heed no authority above him.

    2) You shall not worship any unrenewable energy sources. Oil resources will not last forever.  We should move to renewable and "reliable" resources like wind and solar energy. (Nuclear energy? What's that?)

    3) You shall not criticize Al Gore for any hypocrisy in his ministries of the "green" gospel. The prophet Al Gore (peace be upon him) is spreading the gospel of the climate crisis, and if you think he doesn't practice what he preaches, keep your slander to yourself.

    4) Remember Earth Day, and keep it green.  Earth Day is April 22 and celebrates our Mother Earth through small children planting saplings at school while their older siblings protest on the Washington Mall.   (April 22 is also the birthday of Lenin, but environmentalists are not communists.)

    5) Honor thy Mother Earth - buy carbon credits

    6) You shall not go hunting or eat the flesh of other animals. Animals are people, too. It is murder.

    7) You shall not vote Republican. Every time you vote Republican, President Bush kills a baby seal.

    8) You shall not "greenwash." Greenwashing is the belief that buying allegedly "green" products is all that is necessary to do one's part for the environment. Wrong. Saving the environment requires sacrifice and commitment. Repent from your ways and be reborn.

    9) You shall not bear questions about "the consensus." There is no debating Al Gore (peace be upon him). The debate is over, and everyone who disagrees with the conclusion conveniently missed it. There is consensus in the climatologist community, and there is not one dissenter. Dissenters do not exist, and any "scientist" who questions human causation of climate change is a quack.

    10) You shall not covet the luxuries of modern civilization. Do not allow yourself to be tempted by the comfort and safety of the large gas-guzzlers like a mid-sized sedan. Your Geo is all you will ever need, and don't be discouraged if you're being passed up by the joggers along Nicholson.

    These words the Lord spoke with a loud voice to your whole assembly at the mountain, out of the fire, the cloud, and the thick darkness, and he added no more.  (For Now)

  3. Global warming is not religion, it's proven scientific fact.

  4. The ultimate goal of all environmentalist is to see the end of the human population.


  6. 1. Thou shalt not drive a car

    2.Thou shalt use cloth bags when thou shop

    3.Thou shalt not see the fact that plastic bags are more dangerous to the atmosphere than paper, because they are all chemicals, where the only chemicals in paper bags are the inks.

    4. Thou shalt not make fun of our burlap blouses or circle-framed glasses.

    5.Thou shalt not call out Al Gore on his hypocrisy

    6. Thou shalt buy a copy of "An Inconvenient Truth" and watch it nightly

    7. Instead of having a lawnmower thou shalt buy a goat to cut your grass.

    8. Thou shalt not post anti-environmentalist opinions on Yahoo! Answers.

    9. Thou shalt report all those who violate commandment #8

    10. Thou shalt acknowledge Al Gore as the Almighty Environment God and thank him daily for his invention of the Internet.

  7. Environmentalism isn't a religion.

    You may be confusing environmentalists with greens (who are indeed crazy), please don't do that.

  8. Thou shalt not question any research that upholds its cause.

  9. 1.  shalt not drive

    2. shalt not have kids

    3. shalt not use lights

    4. Buy carbon credits from the company that Al Gore owns

    5. Don't eat meat

    6 if a scientist says it, it must be ture

    7 Be liberal

    8 Pay more taxes

    9 Be a *5 letter word for a female dog*

    10 Be Ignorant (see also #7)

  10. Any conservative who utters the words CO2 has an effect on climate, but doesn't immediately and explicitly qualify it by saying that the effect is almost certainly too small to measure, shall be deemed to be a convert to the faith.  

    Do not read polls - all polls are wrong, unless they are carried out by believers preferably on a university campus.

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