
What are the 10 places that i shouldnt miss in venice?

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What are the 10 places that i shouldnt miss in venice?




  1. 1) Piazza S. Marco (Chiesa di S. Marco, Campanile, Palazzo Ducale, Libreria Sansoviniana and Procuratie)

    2) Canal Grande

    3) S. Maria dei Frari

    4) Ss. Giovanni e Paolo

    5) S. Maria della Salute

    6) Galleria dell'Accademia

    7) Guggenheim Museum

    8) Ponte di Rialto

    9) Ca' d'Oro

    10) Ghetto ebraico

  2. St Mark's, The Doge's Palace, The Accademia, The Guggenheim, The Bridge of Sighs, The Rialto Bridge, the Lido, The recently restored La Fenice opera house, Murano & the glass blowers, Santa Maria dela Salute, Ca d'Oro, the gondolier shop by Ca Rezzonico, more churches, the gelato, the gnocchi at the San Trovaso trattoria, nighttime after the hordes of day-trippers leave, the film festival, Carnavale .....

  3. Probably you've been already told by someone else, but it's very very important to get lost in Venice!!

    Ok, see what has to be seen but then take time for yourself, walk where tourists don't walk and you will find yourself out of the world and out of time!!

    Venice is small enough, you will not get really really lost, then you will ask somebody in case you will panic; believe me, your  strongest memories of the city will be these ones!

    Sorry for my poor english

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