
What are the 10 skills you will need for an untrained child care worker? ?

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  1. 1. most important: love of children.

    2. emergency skills such as CPR for children, which is different than for adults. First aid skills.

    3. Able to hold your temper in check and think before acting. Never lifting a finger to hurt children and never psychologically damaging them with put-downs, screaming, or other verbal abuse.

    4. Good empathy for the level the children are at. Not trying to teach physics to a five year old.

    5. Knowing how to get hold of the police, fire, ambulance, hospital, parents of children at home and work, cell phone numbers, co-workers, emergency hotlines, etc.

    6. Willing to play games with children and talk to children sometimes doing what they like. Able to allow freedom within the proper age groups and stages of development within the restrictions of the day care or evening care home or facility.

    7. Able to have group activities as well as solo activities. Allow children to have supervised interaction with other adults and/or children.

    8. Graduation from a babysitting or a child care or child development course, seminar, certificate, or degree; depending on the level of work involved.

    9. Able to deal with mainstreamed disabled children, such as a handicapped child in a wheelchair, or a child that has a particular allergy. Able to protect such a child from danger but also allow care to occur without the child knowing they are different from anyone else.

    10. Strong interest in helping others and working on a team whenever appropriate. Able to negotiate with other adults when your opinion of what should happen next is not in agreement with the supervisor.

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