
What are the 2 European powers that the US was torn between? in 1790's?

by Guest44716  |  earlier

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was it France and England?




  1. france and england.  

  2. yes

  3. The two super powers of the time...the French Empire and it's allies vs. the British Empire and it's allies.

  4. France and England.  Conservatives, like John Adams, favored England while liberals, like Thomas Jefferson, favored France.

  5. It was France and England, but contrary to Brian's notations about Adams' and Jefferson's political views; Washington and Adams were Federalists, and Jefferson and Madison were Democrats, but until the early 1900's, the Democrats were actually the conservative party. If a Libertarian heard Jefferson referred to as "liberal" they'd probably have a heart attack.

    At the end of Washington's first term, in 1794, the US signed a treaty with England to avoid war and develop international trade. It when into effect in Washington's second term, in 1796. This was the most controversial issue during Washington's presidency and it was the event that caused his critics to finally become more vocal.

    Jefferson viewed France's Revolution as an extension of the American "Spirit of '76" and believed it was destined to spread liberty throughout the world. He saw the English monarchy as one of the biggest obstacles and abhorred any such government, and thus opposed any treaty with them. He and Madison actually secretly condoned the attacking of American vessels by French ships (because France was at war with England and wanted to disrupt trade) because he saw Jay's Treaty as a violation to the very principles that Americans fought for.

  6. Yea it was; the English occupied the east coast of the US and the French occupied a huge area stretching from Louisiana up into Canada, and much of Canada's eastern portion. Spain was a minor power in the US, occupying Florida. The war in which the English drove the French out of the huge Louisiana territory was called the French and Indian War. In the war, the French had Indian allies fighting on their side, which they befriended in trades such as fur trades.

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