
What are the 2 contending theories about the origin of the world?

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Can you please identify, enumerate and describ each of the different scientific theories? thanks. :)




  1. The most convincing explanation for the origin of the universe, let alone the world, was given by Terry Pratchett, the author of the 'Discworld' books. He said that once upon a time there was absolutely nothing at all, and it exploded.

        After all, before the 'Big Bang' there was nothing,was there?

  2. look at any encyclopedia

  3. i cant desribe it or anything but u can look it up

    i saw on tv somethign about dimensions colliding or something like that. it mightve been national geographic. sorry thats not enough info :( i can barely remember it

  4. Creationism-At a broad level, a Creationist is someone who believes in a god who is absolute creator of heaven and earth, out of nothing, by an act of free will.

    Big Bang Theory-According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago.

    I am sure that you are familiar with Creationism.

    If you need more info on The Big Bang, go to:

  5. The main theory is the Nebular cloud hypothesis - with variations.  Hot accretion models and cold accretion models exist.  Start with the refs below. Then do searches on the specific model you want to research.

  6. 1.  The Big Bang Theory

    2.  The "God waved his magic wand and said Let There Be Light" Theory.

  7. science or god

    there you go

  8. There are at least 140 major "theories" about the origin of the world, and many more minor ones.

    Here is one: water was the womb for a small seed planted by Brahma, the Hindu Trimurty, or trinity, god considered the Creator. Before he existed as Brahma, he was a Divine Being.

    The seed grew into an egg, which the Divine One resided in for a year. He cracked it open and emerged as Brahma. From the egg's remains, he produced Heaven and Earth. Heaven was one half while Earth and its beings were the other half. Brahma himself gave beings the mind and the five senses.

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