
What are the 2 dangerous effects of the global warming?

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just say and also know by ur mind

and yes

hi i am sagar




  1. 1. Acidification of the oceans and acid rain as we can see from past CO2 warmings on the planet:

    "An even larger amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) would also have been expelled by Traps volcanism. But in contrast to the sulfate aerosols, carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere for extended periods of time (centuries), though it decreases slowly over that interval. As a greenhouse gas, it warms the atmosphere, changing ecological conditions. (Deccan Traps volcanism, coming before the end of the Cretaceous, is estimated to have warmed the world by 3° to 5°C, or 5.4° to 9°F; Ravizza and Peucker-Ehrenbrink, 2003.) And because it combines chemically to form carbonic acid, it also produces mildly acidic rain. Acid rain can dissolve calcium carbonate shells, particularly those at or near the ocean surface.  Additionally, acid rain leaches vital nutrients from the soil, resulting in plant stunting and death."

    2. Increased frequency and strength of droughts.  

    Here in the United States, Lake Mead, above Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, could be unusable within 6 years and the cost will be $2B/year for that one event alone:

    There is a 50 percent chance Lake Mead will run dry by 2021 and a 10 percent chance it will run out of usable water by 2014...

    "We were stunned at the magnitude of the problem and how fast it was coming at us," said marine physicist Tim Barnett.

    "Make no mistake, this water problem is not a scientific abstraction but rather one that will impact each and every one of us that live in the Southwest," he said.

    "During the final, deepest years of the drought (years 17-22), costs to Upper Basin municipal and energy water uses were even larger. Total damages (including the non-consumptive uses) reach as high as $2 billion/year in the final years of the drought

    Steven Chu, a Nobel laureate and the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, one of the United States government’s pre-eminent research facilities, remarked that diminished supplies of fresh water might prove a far more serious problem than slowly rising seas.

    Chu noted that even the most optimistic climate models for the second half of this century suggest that 30 to 70 percent of the snowpack will disappear. “There’s a two-thirds chance there will be a disaster,” Chu said, “and that’s in the best scenario.”

  2. Well there are more than 2... but I'd say coastal flooding and severe weather.

  3. Looks like frigid temperatures every from the Antarctic last summer to China, Russia central Europe and from coast to coast in North America now, and to top off your cake they got a foot of snow in Athens just today.

    1st danger - You could decide to swim to the North Pole like the ladies who wanted to prove how warm the Arctic was and nearly wound up broadcasting their own stupid demise to the school children of North America.

    2nd danger – You might save the polar bears (actually they are thriving), spending millions and millions of money only to realize the increasing bears were eating all the seals. Then you would have to save the seals because they have cute babies too. Watch out cod fish. Fish are far more valuable to humans as food but they won’t get much help because they just aren’t cuddly enough. I am pretty sure that is how consensus science works.

  4. Indoctrination of our youth through fear.

    Complete UN control of the world.

  5. Greetings Sagar!

    1: Drought and localized torrential flooding, otherwise described as redistribution of rainfall.

    2: Global warming causes increased amounts of water vapor to blanket the earth, and with that increased water vapour, reduced cloud formation, being a significant part of the cause of item 1.

    3: risk of release of vast quantities of methane into the atmosphere from arctic shores, muskeg, permafrost that is melting.

    4: world famine  as a result of widespread drought and erratic distribution of frosts, likely causing societal unrest.

    5: somewhat related, die off of large parts of marine life as a result of excessive CO2, diminished oxygen supply.

  6. Rise in sea level and melting of glaciers

  7. Ozone depletion and rise of the average global temperature which will cause the icebergs to melt a bit.


  9. melting of ice caps -> raise in sea level ->submerging of many islands

  10. there are so many dangerous effects of Global Warming such as greenhouse effect ,coastal flooding ,ocean warming, sea-level rising , Arctic and Antarctic warming and melting , shrinking of a glaciers, climate changes ,rising of temperature and global warming have influence on infections spreading, animal population changes , killer hurricanes, heat waves, and there's more to come so lets help and unite every nation to fight against Global warming..

    Lets save our Only Living Planet in the Universe...

  11. The dangerous effects of global warming are

    (1) Melting of the Polar Ice Cap, wiping out animals and plants from their existence due to  changed living conditions(habitat)

    (2) raising of sea lever drastically even by a meter would submerge small islands, coastal areas of many countries around the world, endangering their very existence.

    There are more dangers to follow such consequences

  12. Heat Death

  13. Global warming is a naturally occurring event and is part of the Earth's cycle just like summer. It has occurred many times before and will occurr many times again. Just look at past geological history. There have been ice ages and warm periods. The oceans have both been much lower than they are today and much deeper.

  14. Coastal flooding

    melting of permafrost

    Arctic and Antarctic warming and melting ,

    shrinking of a glaciers,

    climate changes ,

    animal population changes

    killer hurricanes,

    heat waves

    hey frnds

    pls pls pls pls

    keep asking quations abt the environment

    we've to save it

    so pls pls pls keep doin' ths kind work

    may be somebody will atrract nd will save da world

    (actually i was influenced by ths Q's..)

  15. Unnecessary laws

    Silly banter

  16. the two worst effects are -

    a)melting of permafrost


    (perhaps  you will change to a hot headed person because of global warming.......just kidding)

  17. was this english?

    Global warming is bs... it is just another psuedo-science that has been blown up by the media to get ratings and scare people... and look at all of the money it has made... movies have been made, people have been sued... "I just hear that george w bush sent ten thousand troops to the sun in the fight against global warming" D Letterman... lol............. bottom line is that there is not enough empirical evidence to proove it. (actually there has been no increase in overall global temperature since the mid 80's, temperatures have actually dropped) where do you get your scorces?

    two most likely effects

    1) misinformation

    2) higher taxes

  18. Coastal flooding and damage to agriculture.

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