
What are the 2 tests in a urology appointment? girls only, ?

by  |  earlier

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I have my first urology appointment wednesday for recurring UTIs. What are the two tests? Should I shave down there?? What are they?? What do they do?? Halp!




  1. ok an ultrasound is easy. They just put a little lube on your stomach and move a little wand over it. The catheter thing I can't help you with unless I have a name. However, you will have a catheter inserted into your urethra. DO NOT shave!  

  2. I dont know where you got the idea that there are only two tests possible for an urology visit....there are a great many more than that that the urologist can order, based on his assessment of you.  But, for a first visit, they will want a urine specimen for sure, and perhaps a blood test.

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