
What are the 3 bIGGEST mIStakes that everx amateur runner makes?

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Please provide alot of info for each 3 pleaze.




  1. one mistake is starting out wrong in like a long distance run. They want to win, so the go super fast and it's long distance, so ur stamina runs out, so that's one mistake

    Another mistake is thinking that u won't when because when u think u won't win, u don'tt run ur hardest and u do lose.

    Another mistake is when ur doing a relay, a LOT of people dropp the baton because it's hard since u have to focus straightt ahead and u can't look at the baton. U have to jog slowly and gras it, so it's hard

    3 big mistakes runners can make

  2. One mistake is that they're afraid they'll get cramps/dehydrated, so they drink way too much water/sports drink before a race. you should take small sips of water/sports drink before you run, because you can drink TOO much. so remember, small sips, not large gulps.

    Another mistake is that in a race, an amateur will always want to be in the front position. that isnt always the best idea. if you do this, you won't have a kick at the end of your race, and ppl. behind you that sat and kicked will past you right up, rather easily. sometimes it's best to sit behind someone and you'll have a great kick at the end, and most likely win the race.

    The last mistake is training right up to the race, even the day before. your body needs time to recooperate from a hard workout, and if you push your body to its limits right up until the race, thinking that it'll make you better, it wont. your body will be drained from the hard training right up to it, so you shouldn't have a hard workout at least two days before a race.

    i hope this helps you =)

  3. Over or under training

    Going out too fast

    not stretching enough afterwards

  4. running to slow

    not practicing enough

    not stretching

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