
What are the 3 dogs that would be right for us?

by  |  earlier

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We have 7 kids 16,12 9,8 ,6,3

We want something that will protect the house from intruders something that i can go jogging with.

short hair preferred

on the larger end

and is good with kids

please tell me what 3 dogs would be best (were not getting 3 i just want to choose) and tell me why and the pros and cons




  1. My  very 1st choice would be a Black or Yellow Lab.  As with all dogs they need to be trained well, by their owners not just a trainer.  The dog will bond much more quickly.  When I train I train the humans not the dog.  Just as with children, they need consistency, discipline, guidance and lots of exercise daily.  Let us know what breed you choose.  

  2. With all those kids I would say a Boxer is a great choice!  There full of energy and very playful, yet they have an intimidation factor for intruders.  

  3. i would get a great dane a rottwiler or a pittbull

    but get the rott and the pittbull when they are puppies and give them treats when they are around kids so they no that if they are gould around them taht they get a treat or a pat on the hed. so they no that being around kids is good

  4. labradors are wonderful with kids and are athletic (jogging)...

    german shepards are very strong so it might be best if u got a german  shepard puppy so it gets used to the kids.

  5. The best one will be a Labrador Retriever,they are very loyal and they love to exercise.

    Another one will be a German Shepherd,they are good watch dogs they are very loyal and love to exercise.

    The third one will be a Great Pyrenees they are used as watch dogs and are very loyal pets but they dont need alot of exercise.

  6. you explained a boxer!!!


    can protect you and def jogging! they are made of muscle!

    short hair

    medium to large in size

    good with kids, i live with 7 of them!



    I myself own a great dane/saint bernard and she wouldnt really fit in with what you want. becuse she's a giant breed if she runs too muhc it can ruin her joints. but she does have shirt hair, will protect your home, great with children, is large and beautiful!

    my other dog is a mixed breed..

    ***these are the only dogs I have experience with!


    a lab is not what you are looking for, labs are not scary enoug to protect! not to mention their hair is medium and they're not very large

    AND I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THE WHOLE LITTLE KID BIG DOG THING! big dogs are better! and little dogs tend to beat up little kids because theyre the same size.

    NOBODY appreciates the qualities you are looking for just their breed!

  7. cattle dog there fur is easy they are the friendlist dogs and they are full of energy if you want an exercise parter

  8. i would say a beagle.

    but they tend to follow there noses

    and seeing as you don't have a fence i don't think that would work,

    what about a labordoodle(a lab and a poodle) they have the personality of a lab but short fur like a poodle.

  9. heyy,

    I have a dalmatian and i love her to BITS!! she is such a great companion a lovely family dog, great with children, beautiful, not toomuch hard work!!

    Also a Labrador is an idea ! x

    Hope you find and ideal dog :)

  10. 1.The best one for you would be a shetland sheepdog.( i have 1) I know they are long haired but they are energetic. I wouldn't get a larger breed with kids because my cousine got crushed by a big one. Shetland sheepdogs are good guard dogs good with kids and small. They don't bite hard (they can't with small teeth). And if you don't want it because it is too small you can get a rough collie they are exactly the same but bigger. A shetland sheepdog is a mini lassie!

    2. Whippets are also good pets they are ebergetic short haired and good with kids. They are slightly harder to train than shetalnd sheepdogs.

    3. Border collie (i have 6) They are beautiful would run with you and good with kids they are so soft and love a good fuss! They are great guard dogs. Collies are better known for their agility.

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