
What are the 3 top Issues that YOU think is effecting YOU, not what the politicans are preaching.?

by  |  earlier

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Mine are:

Fuel Prices

Underage Legal Issues (All, not just s*x and drugs)

Imported Junk in our stores.




  1. Fuel prices


    Fuel prices

    They need to open up Alaska like a tuna can

  2. Health Care, affordable housing and taxes!

  3. Taxes

    Border security

    Government overspending

  4. Social security, the future lack of it

    Job's going over seas

    Health care



            PRICE HIKE

  6. Education, healthcare, and Iraq.  

    What are we protecting our borders from if we can't even take care of our own children?

  7. Taxes and over spending

    Illegal immigration

    War in Iraq

  8. 1. Everybody should be able to have any attorney to represent him in the manner he wishes to be represented, and to assert his civil rights and defend his civil liberties whenever they are challenged by anyone at all regardless of who it is.

    2. Tenants should be able to stay in the apartment as long as they desire, and not just be thrown out just because the landlord decided he wanted to throw somebody out that day!!!

    3. Everybody in the United States of America should have 23 hours and 59 minutes to vote on Election Day. (12:01AM - 12:00 PM midnight) Vote counting should would start at 3AM (after the close of the polls)

  9. Fuel prices- let us drill at home and on the continental shelf and build new refineries to get us by until REAL viable alternatives can be found and put into use.

    Jobs- The government needs to become more business friendly. The corporate tax rate is among the highest in the world and must be lowered. Regulations are often too stiff and more often meaningless in realiy but cost a lot to comply with. Unions need to understand that fair wages are great but greed is not- when GM, Ford etc are basically dying, something has to give (CEO salaries too). Lots more on this

    Liberalism- The government cannot give rights, it can only take them away. Every year another "small" freedom is snatched away in the name of protecting us from ourselves and we allow it because "that doesnt apply to me anyway". Limited government that fulfill ONLY the duties prescribed by the Constitution for me please.

  10. 1. The lack of political parties in this nation.

    2. Huge Corporations, not just oil.

    3. WWIII, Radical Muslims from the South Pacific to Europe are murdering their neighbors. Somehow this must be stopped.

  11. Illegal aliens I just sold out in NM  and moved to Maine.

    Fuel prices.

    exporting jobs to overseas

  12. 1. Taxes (In my opinion, this includes Oil prices)

    2. The wealthy. Not so much an issue, but every issue is controlled by those with wealth.

    3. Environment (not right now, but given time).

  13. 1.Taxes- we have to pay a third party, i.e. the government, to make a purchase, have a job, fuel our vehicle, invest our money, and just about any other activity of life. It's our money.

    2. Immigration- We are literally being invaded.

    3. Smaller government- It's time we get rid of the "nanny" state.

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