
What are the 3 ways pathogens can be transmitted from person to person? and how can these ways be prevented?

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What are the 3 ways pathogens can be transmitted from person to person? and how can these ways be prevented?




  1. Faecal oral: often due to poor hygiene/not washing hands properly after going to the toilet etc. (e.g. E. coli gastroenteritis). You should make sure you wash your hands after going to the toilet or contacting anything that might be contaminated such as nappies.

    Airborne: through the air as droplets (e.g. common cold). Difficult to do. You can wear a mask but socially - try to sneeze away from people, into a tissue/handkerchief... but it's still not 100% foolproof.

    Blood-borne: Needs to have blood transmission through blood vessels or mucosal surface (e.g. eye, a**s, genital tract). Prevent by making sure needles aren't shared between people, wear goggles if you might be exposed to splashed blood, gloves, covering all cuts, using barrier contraception.

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