
What are the 3 ways to serve a volleyball?

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What are the 3 ways to serve a volleyball?






                              B) CLOSE HAND


  2. theres overhand, underhand, jumpserve, top spin, floaters, etc

  3. ace, over serve and under hand serve

  4. over handed, and under handed those are the only ones we use in jr high volleyball

  5. Hold it out with one hand, sock it UNDERhand with the other hand.

    Hold it out with one hand, toss it up, sock it OVERhand with the other hand.

    Cup it in one palm and SLING/HURL it with that hand.

    (use a lot of strength and get that puppy over the net!)

  6. there are many serving styles, 3 ways i like are jump-serve, over-hand- floater, and a killer over-hand top-spin!

  7. under hand...over hand... and jump serve...

  8. there are three GREAT techniques. ...... The floater (which is the hardest to pass) basically it is a knuckle ball. COntact the ball with the base of your hand not moving your fingers over the top of the ball. it should float in a weird way. Top spin serve, a serve that will cross the net and if done correctly will die at the tape. you want to contact this serve HIGH and make sure that the downward motion of the top spin can cross the net, this will make the front row players pass the ball....and then the last is the jump serve, Start a few steps behind your service line....toss the ball withy your hitting hand....right above the line, jump like you are spking the ball. hit it HIGH and with top spin. this will cause the same Dying motion but with a much higher speed. very intimidating if done thing i reccomend is practice this serve as much as possible and get consistant before  using this in a game because a missed jump serve in rally score can make or break a game.

    I suggest using the floater although the softest it is the hardest to pass.

    Get used to doing the floater by serving against the wall follow through, if done correctly the ball should come back to your hitting hand.

    GOod luck, serving was one of my favorite thigns to do and the floater got me the most aces in my 4+ years.

  9. You can serve it under hand, over hand, or even jump serves!

  10. There is the under hand serve, ball sitting on the less dominate hand and hit over with the other. (not the most powerful, but is deadly accurate)

    A Side arm serve is basicly the same as an under hand, but with a little more power. (not manny people can do the side arm, it takes some serious skill)

    Then there's the over hand serve. It has a lot of power but you have to be strong enough to use it properly. The accuracy is hard if your not consisten with this one (I personally use this one)

  11. "Fried, stewed, broiled."

  12. You must mean underhand, overhand and jump.  But there are a couple of variations on some of those serves.  I have coached for several years and I teach two different kinds of overhand serve: regular topspin serve and a floater.  And jump serves also have both options (top spin and jump floater).  All can be very affective if used correctly and placed away from the best passers on the other team.

  13. underhand where u hols the volleyball in one hand and strike it with the other and the palm is in a fist

    overhand where u throw the volleyball straight up in the air and when it comes down hit it with ur other hand

    jump serve and that is the same a an overhand but u jump 2 hit it

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