
What are the 'Quarks'?

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I just know that quarks are the comstituents of atoms,I want details.




  1. any of a group of subatomic articles believed to be among the fundamental constituents of matter.they are never alone and spin in conjunction with other quarks which contain electrical charges within all matter

  2. quarks are particle present inside nucleus..they have charge in fractions..and they form nuetron nd proton..

  3. Quarks

    Quarks are fundamental matter particles that are constituents of neutrons and protons and other hadrons. There are six different types of quarks. Each quark type is called a flavor.

  4. Quarks are what protons and neutrons are made out of. They're each made out of three quarks. The quarks are held together by other particles called gluons.

    There are six types of quarks: up, down, top, bottom, strange, and charm. Unusual names! They could've named them after scientists or something! :S

  5. Quarks are subatomic particles that come in 6 flavors: up, down, top, bottom, strange, and charm. Up and down are abundant in nature, but top, bottom, strage, and charm are highly unstable, occurring only in nature a few moments after the Big Bang. They form half of all matter, with the other half being formed by leptons. Each quark has a charge of + or - 1/3, and 3 up or down quarks form in different configurations to form protons (two up, one down), and neutrons (one up, two down) inside the atomic nucleus. Any combination of two quarks is known as a meson, and any combination of three is known as a baryon. With the six flavors of quark, there are over 200 known types of mesons & baryons.

    There have been whole books written on quarks, including details about their spin, combinations, "color", and the various antiquarks, but this is all I can remember offhand.
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