
What are the 4 ski only mountains in the US of A?

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I know that taos and Altah are but what else.




  1. The four skier-only mountains in the USA are:

          - Alta, Utah

          - Taos, New Mexico

          - Mad River Glen, Vermont

          - Deer Valley, Utah

    I Hope this helps.

  2. umm idk all them but iv been to utah n i no theres deer mount n alta mountain    there ski only

    hope i helped =D

  3. I live in the suburbs of Salt Lake City, and Alta ski resort is about 15 minutes from my house when the roads are clear. I know they don't allow anything but skiers up there.

    There's another resort, called Deer Valley, which is a bit further away and up by Park City, and it's a ski only resort, as well.

    I don't know about the other two, but you say Taos is ski only, so that means there's just one missing from the list!

  4. Mad River Glen, Vermont is the missing item.

    Hence its slogan....Mad River Glen, Ski It If You Can.

    MRG is skier only, by majority vote of its shareholders. Prior to MRG becommong a co-op, snowboardes were allowed on all lifts except the Single Chair. The owners felt snowboarders were abusing the property and were generally ungrateful for the limited access they had to the resort, so the then-owner outlawed them. When it went co-op, the shareholders kept the rule and it still stands today.

    Taos actually now does allow snowboarding. Onlt Alta, MRG, and Deer Valley are the holdouts.

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