
What are the 5 basic human rights?

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What are the 5 basic human rights?




  1. 1 human right


    Violated every day in every region of the world

  2. We have lost most of our rights in this country. The liberals have made everybody equal, allowed men to marry men, taken away a parents right to discipline children,Devalued education by forcing down the requirements so every one can feel good and get passed ,no scores in junior sports so there are no losers. I'm not sure we have any rights left that won't get us in a lawsuit, or imprisoned.

  3. according to who? because many philosophers have different views.

  4. 1,2,3,4,and 5 there you go

  5. Your question is based on a fallacy.  There are -no- basic, fundamental, in-built human rights.

    Human rights are a construct of the society in which they are enforced.

    As an example, the right that 'no person shall be subjected to torture…", etc, isn't upheld by the United States.  But it's in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Read the following link for a -lot- of information about human rights:

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