
What are the 5 best affiliate programs

by  |  earlier

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affiliate programs that give high comission on high item products.

If you dont know what that means you can just put down 5 best affillate programs where they give high comissions




  1. These ones

  2. try moreniche .... it`s for free and also let you earn $15 after sign up with them

    i think no other affiliate programs can let you earn like that

    have a nice day


  3. Make Money With this NEW Affiliate Program!

    They pay you per lead for every sign up you send them. This works great as you just send interested people that may want more info to your new site (they help you set up).


    Leads Per Day   Earnings Per Day   Earnings Per Month

    25                          $50                         $1,520

    75                         $150                        $4,562

    150                         $300                       $9,126

    300                         $600                      $18,250


  4. Look into the "Reverse Funnel System." at

    I do agree with everyone else here.  Demand for what that affiliate program offers makes a big difference and whether you stand behind the product makes a big deal too.  Pick a product you like, a system that has good support, training and commission scale.  Check out this review site that I came across  It has some reviews on affiliate programs.  Every time I go back they have new info.  Good Luck!

  5. I don't think the question is fair.  If people know about this, they already make money for themselves and then will certainly sell the knowledge instead of giving it out for free.

    Why don't you try this out on your own instead of relying of people giving you advices on what's best out there.  Who knows, people may have their own agenda and before you know it, they are making money out of you (by having you joined affiliate programs) when you follow their advice.  

    I set up my site at Svelocity (  It is an experiment and I have fun with it.  There are tons of things out there to learn such as keywords / SEO / Google Adsense.  And along the way, I am pretty sure money will come instead of using things such as those MFA (Made For Adsense) programs.

    Have fun

    Will W - Affiliate Marketing for the mere mortals

  6. Its not a matter of which affiliate programs pay high commissions but instead is the products in high demand?  Is there lots of people looking to buy that product?  Its best to equip yourself with the know-how of affiliate internet marketing.  With the knowledge in hand, finding a niche will not be a problem.

  7. Don't expect people to tell you money making tips just like that. That knowledge itself is a hard earned secret and there is no better alternative than hard work to find the secret your self..

  8. The best affiliate programs are the ones that give you good promotional material, not just banner ads, but brandable eBooks and reports for example where you imbed your affiliate link inside and ones that give you specific step-by-step instructions on how to promote.

    Here's a very good tattoo affiliate program that I'm using that's making me about

    $50 a day;

    Regards, Marta

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