
What are the 5 best pool cue brands?

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What are the 5 best pool cue brands?




  1. joss,preditor,judd ,josey&any good straight cue with good tip and ferrel

  2. That's a very loaded question.  One could say Zamboti, or the old original Balbushka's.  What is good for one player may not be good for another.  There are so many different choices out there, that there's no way to narrow it down to only 5.  Of current major manufacurers, just to spit out 5 quick, Joss, Schon, Predator, McDermott, Pechauer, just to name 5.  And that doesn't include a single one of the many custom cuemakers out there who are working out of a garage or basement, while many of them are kind of hit and miss, there are a number who produce some outstanding cues.

    What is good for you may not be what another person would choose.  It's all based on what you like, heavy, light, hard and stiff, or light with some flex, do you want a lot of detail, there are so many variables, it's all about taste and what works for you.  If you're looking at any of the MAJOR makers, you're almost guarenteed a great or at least very good quality cue, as for which is best for you?  Hit some balls and see, while most places won't let you put chalk on the tip, you can hit a couple of balls to get a feel for how hard or soft it hits, it's ballance, feel.  Go try some out and see.

    Good luck,


  3. Ask a pool shark..

  4. 1.) Southwest Custom Cues

    2.) Sugartree Custom Cues

    3.) Madden Custom Cues

    4.) Bear Custom Cues

    5.) All other custom cuemakers.

    BTW, this list is in no particular order.

    In general, all custom cues are better than all production cues. If it's within your budget, there is no comparison.

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