
What are the 5 biggest tasks facing the incoming president?

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What are the 5 biggest tasks facing the incoming president?




  1. 1) Fuel prices

    2) The economy

    3) Terrorism

    4) Illegal immigration

    5) Social Security

  2. Gas Prices


    The Economy

    More War

    and Terrorism

    All of which neither Obama or McCain will be able to fix.  

  3. 1)  Find ways to further erode America's sovereignty.

    2)  Get rid of the Constitution.

    I guess those two tasks ought to cover it.

  4. It's not the economy.  I expect the economy to turn around by Jan 2009.

    I think it's wrapping up Iraq, one way or another.  Then implementing a coherent long term energy policy to secure our energy independence.  Then implementing some sort of health care reform.  Entitlement reform including SS & Medicare are important, but I doubt either of them will do anything substantial.

  5. imho they are:

    1.  getting Congress to face fiscal reality and cease spending on everything that could possibly buy a vote

    2.  build a working energy policy

    3.  solve the long term entitlements problem

    4.  permanently increase productivity growth so that our children and grandchildren have a realistic chance of having life better than we have our lives.

    5.  defending the Constitution.  

  6. the war in iraq, the war in Afghanistan, illegal immigration, fuel to drive our economy and getting rid of more liberal judges.

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