
What are the 5 closest stars to Earth? And what are their distances in light years?

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I am more concerned about distances than names. And what is the closest observed exo-planet, and how far away is that in light years? Thanks in advance everyone I really appreciate it.




  1. Sun   8,3 light minutes   149 598 000 kilometers (1 AU)

    Proxima Centauri (Sirius)   4,2 light years  3.97342193 × 10^13 kilometers (265 606,621 AU)

    Alpha Centauri (Rigil Kentaurus)   4,3 light years   4.06802721 × 10^13 kilometers (271 930,588 AU)

    Barnard's Star   6 light years   5.67631704 × 10^13 kilometers (379 438.03 AU)

    Wolf 359   7,7 light years   7,28460687 × 10^13 kilometers (486 945,472 AU)

    Luyten 726-8A   8,4 light years   7.94684386 × 10^13 kilometers (531 213,242 AU)

    Luyten 726-8B   8,4 light years   7.94684386 × 10^13 kilometers (531 213,242 AU)

    Sirius A   8,6 light years   8.13605443 × 10^13 kilometers (543 861,176 AU)

  2. Here is a link to a list of every known star within 100 light years. The stars marked with asterisks (*) either have planets or are systems very much like our own (and therefore potentially capable of supporting Earth-like planets).

  3. 4.3 ly Alpha Centauri A,  4.3 ly Alpha Centauri B,  

    5.96 ly Barnard's Star

    7.6 ly Wolf 359,  8.11 ly Lalande 21185

  4. Barnards star - 5.9390ly

    wolf 359 - 7.7825ly

    lalande - 8.2905ly

    sirius - 8.5828ly

    luyten 726-8 - 8.7280ly

    ross 154 - 9.6813ly

    ross 248 - 10.322ly

    epsilson eridani - 10.522ly

    lacaille 9352 - 10.742ly

    ross 128 - 10.919 ly

    i included others

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