
What are the 6 degrees of seperation?

by Guest57888  |  earlier

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if i said someones name i knew would you know them??

tell me how it works please??




  1. that everyone is related within 6 people. you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows me..

    all in 6 jumps

    Like the Kevin Bacon game

  2. judging by all the answers does this mean i'm shadys brother?.....

  3. Through the people you know then the people they know you could theoretically know everyone alive today with only four people between you and anyone else.

  4. Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is an average of six "steps" away from each person on Earth.

  5. It means you have the same DNA as Kevin Bacon.

  6. You can name two completely random people and find that they are connected in six steps. For example:-

    John and Mary

    1.   John used to work with Fred

    2.   Fred went to school with Janet

    3.   Janet lives next door to Susan

    4.   Susan was the teacher of Brian

    5.   Brian is best friends with Anna

    6.   Anna is Marys boss.

    So John and Mary may live on opposite sides of the world but through sometimes tenuous links there is a connection in six steps!

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