
What are the 8 basic features of a Civilization?

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Can you guys include a short definition for each as well?





  1. Religion- Sense of belief in the civilization. Giving the civilization a trace of their human roots. Helps in the morale of the people also.

    Education- Self Explanatory. To educate the civilization. Helps in the marketing, literacy, etc.

    Government- Makes the laws, how the people will be ruled, actions in war, runs the civilization/

    Technology- From tools to homes to weapons. A must need because of how it will upgrade over time.

    Housing- A must need in order to keep the civilization safe from harsh weather and to give them a place to dwell.

    Food/Agriculture/Water- Necessity in order to feed the civilization. From farming for the fruits and vegetables, to hunting for the meat, and to having water to fulfull the basic needs in cooking, cleaning, and it will be their drinking source.

    Military- For protection against hostile outsiders. Also gives the civilization more jobs. Keeps the civilization at peace (for example as police).

    Marketing- To help make the civilization wealthy. From trading and selling goods to the locals or trading and selling goods to outsiders. Also a good necessity in obtaining other resources that the civilization does not have.

  2. "Civilization" is no longer widely considered a useful concept, at least in cultural anthropology, because it suggests that there is a way to rank which cultures are more "civilized" and which ones are less. Such comparisons cannot be made without invoking inappropiate and misleading value judgments.

  3. The list of 8 depends on your textbook or class notes. Your teacher expects you to repeat what he/she listed.

    The following two at least are almost always included in features of State formation:

    --Agriculture or otherwise overabundant food supply. One "civilization" was found in Chile that relied on ocean resources, but otherwise agriculture is necessary. There has to be a surplus for elites to take/control.

    --Stratification--a hierarchical social structure.

  4. a civilization must a king or emporer, and must have a written form of language.

  5. Food & Water Supply/Agriculture

    Food Storage







  6. Clothing - From simple loin cloths to elaborate headgear and everything in between.

    Food - Including hunting, fishing, and gathering as well as domesticated animals and agriculture.  How to store food and prepare food as well.  Food items could also be accepted as trade.

    Government - Organization including laws, social classes and often military functions.  This would include any public projects.

    Religion - Methods of answering otherwise unanswerable questions.  Often contains creation myths and legends.  This usually included how the society dealt with the dead.

    Shelter - Especially Urban dwellings.  How to get a large number of people into a relatively small physical space.  This Urban requirement is the classical difference between civilized and non-civilized cultures.

    Technology - Including tool making and problem solving as well as language (written or not).  This often involved job specialization and a method of time keeping.

    Transportation - Other than walking.  Boats, carts, baskets, pots and draft animals as well as animals to ride.  This also often included trade with others.

    Arts - Including possible leisure activities such as sports.  Some might include writing here, but writing for non-religious or non-business reasons was rare.

  7. funny!  taking summer school are ya?

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