
What are the American soldiers doing in the Philippine/Muslim war?

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I don't understand, they are following the Philippine army into war and watching over the towns that the Muslims have been driven out of.

Other than that, what else are they able to do?

For some reason, our government here wants to do all of the fighting themselves, even though the U.S. says they could clear all of the MILF (Muslims) out completely in a matter of days.

This war has drug on for many years now and there are now over 160,000 homeless people in Mindanao due to the MILF looting and burning the homes as they go.




  1. The people need to have a protest rally with at least 1 million people. That will motivate the government to do something.

  2. If you respect yourself as a country, you should do the business of your country by yourself.

    Philippines has been independent since 1946 right? If yes, then grow a backbone.

  3. i am a filipino who is married to an an american caucasian and lived in Monroe, Michigan now for 23 years that's how long of my bering married to my husband. I would like to give you my own opinion why the american soldiers are in the philippines  now and staying in Mindanao,. The Filipino govt. asked for american military help to trained the pinoy soldiers on how to fight and capture the terrorist in our island which is giving the country a big problem. I think the american soldier are not allowed to go in combat to go after the Moro's terrorist .they were there to trained the soldier not to fight the enemy. I live here for so long that sometimes i don't understand about other people they asked too much favor from american govt.

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