
What are the BEST neigborhoods, houses, or apartments to live in or near bogota colombia?

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I am planning to move their soon and i am curious to know where the good neighborhoods are. :]




  1. Estrato Seis is right. Another factor (you did not indicate if you will be working in the private sector or for the Embassy) in pricing apartments is that Americans from the Embassy are limited to living in north Bogota between roughly Calle 70 & 100 and from Avenida Circunvalar to Carrera 15. As a result, the prices in this zone are about double what you would pay for an identical apartment a block or two outside this zone. I live on Carrera 7 at about Calle 88 on the 13th and 14th floors and pay $3,500 USD monthly for 2,000 sq. ft., fully furnished.  

    Most places will charge different prices for Americans than for Colombians... not only for apartments but for many other things as well. Do not be surprised to learn that your Colombian neighbor across the hall is paying half what you are paying for the same exact apartment.

    If possible, I would suggest having your employer negotiate your lease for you. That might allow you to get around some of the issues Estrato Seis mentioned. Through the Embassy, we have leases with the diplomatic clause that allows us to get out of the lease if we are transferred out of the country. Normal leases do not have that clause and it can get very expensive if you have to vacate prior to the term.

    Another thing to watch for; it is not typical in Colombia to use the 'fair wear and tear' model for minor damage upon vacating a unit. In the USA, after a few years, minor damage is overlooked as normal wear. Here, the expectation is that you put the place back into at least as good a condition as when you moved in. That can be expensive as many landlords want new carpet, freshly painted walls, floors refinished.  It can lead to a protracted negotiation with hte landlord.

  2. Chicó, Rosales, Santa Barbara, Ciudad Salitre, more info abour bogota at

  3. That is a function of Money. The best neighborhoods can have apartments that rent for over 9,000,000 pesos a month (Roughly 5000 USD) Country, Santa Barbara (dont get an old bldg tho) But stay North of say 119 and East of 19 and youll generally be OK. Remember you HAVE to get a cedula to rent an apt or get a bank account and almost all apts are rented by an immobiliaria and if you dont have a good history in Colombia you will have to put up 6-12 months rent as a security deposit. (Its a CD youll make a little money, but bail on your contract and you lose it all) We have an Apt at 128 and 19 (La Calleja) and we pay about 3,000,000 pesos a month. (11th floor) I would recommend try to look for a place. Also DONT get a first or second floor apt. Much higher chance of getting robbed.

  4. the best neighborhoods in bogota , I would say ciudad salitre,es muy central a todo , centro comerciales around, entretainment, everything where you want. teusaquillo,chapinero, la experanza.

    check those links

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